Big Picture Philadelphia

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When a student enrolls at Big Picture Philadelphia (BPP) school, they are paired with an Advisor—what we call a teacher—who stays with them throughout their high school career. These years-long relationships between a small group of no more than eighteen students and their Advisor means every student is known well by at least one caring adult.


Daily Advisory periods are where students work on projects based on their internships, develop end-of-semester exhibitions showcasing their learning, and get tailored, one-on-one support. 


Whenever we ask BPP students to describe their Advisory, they most often say: "It's my second family."


Please consider investing in Advisories today and help them thrive.


  • $50: Funds one week's worth of healthy snacks for one Advisory
  • $250: Funds expressive arts materials for one Advisory
  • $500: Funds transportation and lunch for a Leave-to-Learn trip
  • $1,000: Funds an Advisory service-learning project
Advisory is the heart of BPP schools
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